Ways to Stay Connected in the Podcasting Community

Podcasting is one of those industries that tends to be online and done alone or maybe with one or two other people on your team (like a co-host or editor for example). There isn’t a ton of interaction and connection going on unless you make it happen. And we think you should! It’s important to cultivate connections not just with your listeners but with others in the podcasting industry from service providers to other podcasts. It’s nice to have people in your corner where you can seek support and engage on topics with those who understand what you are talking about.So, if you're ready to start building your podcasting community, join me to learn more ways you can get connected.

Join Podcasting Groups and Communities

Joining podcast groups and communities can be a great place to get questions answered, learn from others and truly build connections with others in the podcasting community. Some great places to look are Facebook groups, subreddits, and forums.

How to find these groups? Start by searching terms in your niche and using podcasters + podcasting to see what you can come across. Unfortunately when it comes to Facebook, some groups are private so you may not find them but you can still get a good start on some good groups to connect with. 

Here are some example of some of our favorite podcasting groups and communities:

Sign up for Podcast Newsletters + Follow Blogs

There are a ton of incredible blogs out there on all different things podcasting from the technical stuff to monetization. Depending on what you are looking for there is a blog and/or newsletter out there for you!

Here is one of our blogs on some really great newsletters you should check out.

Attend Podcasting Events

Consider getting out of the house a couple times a year and attend some podcasting events (and if you don’t want to leave your home, think about the virtual ones!) This is a great way to network and learn about the newest trends/information in the podcasting industry. Some ways you can do this is attend events such as conferences, meetups, and webinars.

How to find relevant events for you? To start, PodNews has a great events board everyday on their email. But there are also some great yearly events you can also look into like PodConf, Podfest Expo, Podcast Movement Evolutions, and She Podcasts Live to name a few.

Collaborate with Other Podcasters

Another great way to connect with other podcasters is collaborate with them! This is a great way to benefit both parties, especially if it’s mutually beneficial. I.e. you have similar audiences or you can help them in some way. This also doesn’t have to be strictly podcasters, you can see if there are podcast services providers as well that who you could team up with.

Ways to find potential collaborators? Start looking on social media! Are there creators who regularly do collaborations already that would be a good fit and you could reach out to? Or just someone with a similar audience that would make a good choice? Again, look at the Facebook groups and networking events you go to as well and see if there is anyone there is looking to collaborate! 

Use Social Media

Social media can be a great way to promote and market your show but it also can be a great way to stay connect with others in the podcasting community. It’s a great way to network, learn more and build relationships with others right there.

Some people to follow… 

On Instagram (note: like 90% of our podcast managers/people in the podcasting industry too to check out) but some to get you started –

On Twitter

On YouTube

On TikTok

We are all in this together!

Remember, we are all on this together and I have found that the podcasting community is one of the kindest and most helpful niches I’ve been a part of so far. Of course, that could just be my experience but gosh, it makes us feel really blessed to be surrounded by incredible people who love doing what we do everyday. And we want you to find that too! So whether you find just one way to network or try a bunch of different ways we think you should make it a priority to stay connected to the podcasting community.

We are here to help network, support and help each other grow. If you are ready to connect with other like minded people, follow us on Instagram and check out our podcasting resources to stay up to date!



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