Repurpose Podcast Content for Your Business

Sometimes it can feel overwhelming how much content we are creating for our business from social media to your podcast. But have you thought about repurposing it all? Being able to utilize content from other forms like your podcast can be a great way to save time and share valuable information in a different format. Everyone digests content differently so having options and spaces where you can dig into topics will help create new arenas to engage with listeners and expand your potential reach for all different kinds of content users.

Repurposing content is more than just recycling, it’s retransforming valuable content from your podcast into other mediums and continuing the lifespan of that knowledge. If you want to repurpose your podcast’s content to maximize its value for your business, continue reading.

Why Repurpose Podcast Content?

First, why even repurpose your podcast content? Is it even beneficial for your business? I would say yes! I think just the saving time of brainstorming new content is a huge game changer that I mentioned earlier. You can cut back or expand on content that you’ve already created. Plus it also helps increase your visibility, reach and offers new ways to engage with the different formats and channels you’ve distributed across.

Repurposing Opportunities

When it comes to repurposing your podcast content there are a lot of areas that you can do this depending on who you want to reach. Some areas you can repurpose your podcast content -

Social Media (video snippets, quotes, stories + YouTube videos)

Email Marketing (video snippets + the content of your newsletters

Turn it into blog postsInfographicsWebinars + Presentations

Online courses + programs

Ebooks + Guides

How to Repurpose for Your Business

You can repurpose any of your podcast episodes into valuable content but if you want to do it effectively for your business then we have some additional tips for you.

  • When picking content go for engaging and interesting portions of the episodes that catch your attention. Good places to do this are the core message of the episode, key points, something different or that may cause a stir/discussion.

  • At the same time, grab content that relates to your business to help point people back to your services and products.

  • Consider the formats you are repurposing your content to - can you change the length, structure, add more visuals, or if there is something extra you can include for your audience this time around to give them even more helpful nuggets.

Resources for Repurposing Your Podcast Content

But you may not have time to go through every podcast episode and figure out what to repurpose and where so we have some tools to help aid in your process -

  • Canva - can help create the social graphics of quotes and reels

  • - a program that helps repurpose your video podcast into bite-sized, sharable content (with captions!)

  • - can turn your audio/video into a transcription!

  • - also a way to make quick short videos 

  • - can turn podcasts into blogs! 

  • Buffer - to help schedule out all your posts once you’ve created them on your social channels


Whether you use your podcast for your business or not, repurposing your podcast content is a no-brainer. It helps increase your growth and visibility while leveraging the materials and content that you already have to its fullest. But remember especially if you are repurposing podcast content for your business to be consistent and strategic in what you repurpose to help with your long-term success. We are always looking to grow our tool bank, so let us know what your favorite repurposing tool is in the comments!


P.S. If you are looking for additional tips on podcasting for your business, then check out our posts on this topic on our blog!


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