Podcasting for Beginners

You are looking to start a podcast but you don't know if it's right for you or even where to begin! Starting a podcast can be scary but Golden Goose Creative is here to help. We have great services to support you, a blog with resources, and are happy to help you navigate getting started! Now, this isn't everything you need to know, but this is good podcasting for beginners checklist to get you started. 

Getting down with Podcasting

You may be experiencing like many people who want to start a podcast (or any new venture) the many worries, and fear of failure when starting something new, especially worrying about how to get viewers and who is watching. So, who can start a podcast? How much will it cost? How much time will it take? What equipment is needed?

These are all very valid questions and we’re here to help you research and get your foot on the ground. Hopefully, the below information will get you started in the right direction! 

 Let’s begin with who can create a podcast. The real answer is, anyone! Anyone can create a podcast but having a topic and content helps. Do you have a passion for art, science, or true crime? You can create a podcast about anything, choose your topic, plan out episodes, research the subject, and record/edit/publish. Now, there are a few things needed in order to get going such as a name, equipment, time, and perseverance, which we will discuss more below. 

Is it expensive? There will definitely be some money involved but at the end of the day, the cost will depend on what you can afford and need to produce your show. You will need some equipment, as well as tools and programs (discussed more below). On average these things can cost as little as $200 and can range much higher depending on your needs/preferences.  

Similarly, the time it takes to create and produce a podcast varies from person to person. When allocating time there are a few things that you should plan for. Time consumption all depends on your topic of discussion. Will you need to research, are you planning on interviewing guests, or working with a co-host, how long your episodes will be? The more your podcast includes the more time it will take and editing tends to take more time than most expect!

For example, if your podcast relies on guests you will have to take time to research your guest and the topic you will be discussing, you will need time to reach out to the guest, plan/provide questions, record, edit, provide the marketing materials and post the podcast. Editing will vary on how long your episodes are and how much you need to add in or edit out. Are you syncing music, videos, taking out awkward pauses, lots of filler words, adding sound effects, etc.? The more editing you need the more time it will take – of course as you get better it will take less time. 

With all of the time, money, and effort be worth creating your podcast? Absolutely! With the right effort, you can make a good income from your podcast and become a leading authority in your industry. Do you have a topic you’ve always wanted to discuss? Currently, have a blog? Are creating content that you can re-use for a podcast? Or just want to start something new and love sharing your knowledge? 

Podcasts are extremely popular! From an audience who listens while driving, working, walking their dog, etc. So why not earn your money doing something you love? If you are already making other content – use it to create your podcast and make more money without creating too much more work. In addition, you can promote your own products on your show (merch, business support, services, etc.) 

You can make money through affiliate marketing, selling merch, memberships through Patreon, collecting tips (through live podcasts), etc. (more ideas here

The Basics of Podcasting for Beginners

As mentioned, here’s all that you really need to start a podcast!

Equipment –

  • Computer: Buying new can cost up to $2k give or take. But if you don’t already own one you can always borrow, buy second-hand, or use a library computer if needed while you get started.

  • Microphone: If your computer has a built-in microphone you could use that but it’s not suggested as this is the lowest quality option. A lot of brands tend to range from $50 – 200 and when getting started the cheaper microphone will work just fine – but if you can afford more feel free to focus on one with higher quality. Samson Q2U Handheld Dynamic XLR/USB Microphone is a good brand and affordable to start. Often you can buy one second-hand as well – just be sure to cover your bases to allow for returns in case the microphone doesn’t work.

  • Headphones: Keep in mind the clearer your headphones the easier you can listen and edit your podcast and ensure the best experience for your listeners. Quality headphones can be found starting at $50 (example). If in a bind you can use any headphones you have at hand.  

Tools + programs – 

  • Podcast hosting: This is important because it’s the home of your podcast and is where your show is stored and distributed (see different hosts here) and the two favorites we regularly use for our clients are Captivate and Buzzsprout

  • Podcast editing software: You can use free software (Such as GarageBand, Audacity...) or you can pay for software anywhere from $10/month-$500 (one time). We suggest starting with a free editor as you get your podcast off the ground. We like to use Audacity!

  • Organization: The more organized you can be the more likely your podcast will take off and earn you money! We suggest using something like Trello (what we use) or Asana. Trello/Asana are planner boards that allow you to create and organize projects.  

Post + pre-production tasks! Make sure to perform – 

Equipment Checks

  • All equipment is in good working order

  • All equipment is turned on

  • All cords and wires are connected

  • All levels are set to capture a quality recording

  • A test recording is made to ensure equipment is operational

Software Checks

  • All software to be used is open and up-to-date

  • All software is logged into (as needed)

  • All software subscriptions have more than enough recording length/storage space/resources for the recording

  • A test recording is made to ensure that all software is operational

Topic Checks

  • You know the general topic to be covered

  • You know the key points of the topic to be covered

  • You know the order in which you will cover the key points

  • You can easily pronounce key terms or individual names you plan to discuss

Intro/Outro/Call To Action Checks

  • You know how you plan to introduce the episode and the episode’s topic

  • You know how you plan to end the episode

  • You know the specific call-to-action you will ask of your listeners at the end of the episode

Content most episodes include – 

  • Intro – Can be the same each time, like a theme song or description of what the episode will include. This tells new listeners who you are and what to expect!

  • Content – The main ‘meat’ of the show! This is where you share your research, interview your guest, etc. 

  • Outro – Again, this can be the same! Use this to give your audience a call to action (e.g. like, subscribe, rate your podcast, etc.) and is used to wrap up each episode. 

  • Music – Use music to beef up your show. Whether in the intro/outro or throughout your show to break up talking. 

  • Ads – This can be a great way to monetize your podcast. Earn money from companies by promoting their product! (We will discuss monetization more – stay on the lookout for the upcoming blog!) Or promote your own products such as merch or services. 

To finish it off...

As you can see starting a podcast can be a lot of work, but if you have something worth sharing don’t let your fears stop you from jumping into it. If there are some concerns such as time or skill – look into outsourcing as it can save you tons of time and headaches right from the get-go. It may seem like an investment, but an investment worth taking. If you want to get started today and need help, reach out to us here.


This blog post was updated November 28th, 2023


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