Podcasting Books to Read this Fall

No matter how much of an expert in your field you are, it's always good to keep learning and staying on top of new information that comes up. Books are a great place to learn a ton of knowledge on a topic (even if it's not entirely up to date) because they usually do such a great deep dive into a specific topic. We want you to stay as informed as you can in podcasting, so here are 4 great podcasting books to read this fall! 

Absolute Beginner's Guide to Podcasting

Absolute Beginner's Guide to Podcasting Book

I purchased all of these podcasting books through thriftbooks.com but will link the Amazon links in case you are wanting to find them there. To start off our list is The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Podcasting by George Colombo and Curtis Franklin, Jr.  Now this book was written in 2008 so there is some information that just isn’t as relevant today, however, you can still get a great background in the history of podcasting and broadcasting in those portions. This book is still a great guide for beginners, it has breakdowns of the basics, and understanding the technology you use (and a lot of this is still important to understand now).

Also, if you are just getting started, this is a great place to start understanding podcasting. It’s straightforward and an easy read. You’ll be able to go from strategizing your show to recording, launching, and promoting it by the time you get to the end. So, just because it’s a little dated don’t rule it out for great podcasting information especially since it has great tips on recording (both in the studio and out in the field), editing, recording, and more. 

Podcast Launch: How to Create & Launch Your Podcast

Podcast Launch Book

The second podcasting book on the list is Podcast Launch by John Dumas. This is a really great quick read that gives you an overview of all the basics for launching a show.  Now, because it is such a quick read that's why I call it an overview because it doesn't cover everything inside and out. It gives you a lot of surface-level information that is awesome for getting you started.

The book takes you through the start of your idea, equipment, how to record, upload, promote, and more. So, if you are ready to get your toes in the podcasting sand - this book is a great place to start getting an understanding of what it takes to launch a show.

Plus, the book offers a ton of great free resources that you can access online such as the free audiobook for the book, videos, and other trainings that go a little further into what the book didn't. 

Podcast Solutions: The Complete Guide to Audio and Video Podcasting

Podcast Solutions

This is another book like Absolute Beginners where it's a little outdated (2007) BUT still has some great details and examples for you to get a great digestion of podcasting information. This book is Podcasting Solutions: The Complete Guide to Audio and Video Podcasting by Michael W. Geoghegan and Dan Klass. This is another excellent read for podcasting that has some great information and tips to get you from where Podcasting came from, understanding exactly what it is to actually diving in - listening + podcasting yourself.

Now, as I mentioned some of this information is a little dated but it has some great details on setting up your studio, understanding the technology, structuring your show, using music legally, and more. It's easy to read and understand plus it's a great resource to always have in case you need a refresher on some podcasting information. 

Profitable Podcasting: Grow Your Business, Expand Your Platform, and Build a Nation of True Fans

Profitable Podcasting Book

The final book in the podcasting books to read this fall is Profitable Podcasting by Stephen Woessner which you can find here. This is a great read if you are looking to launch your podcast and launch it with profits in mind. He offers great advice from the vitals of starting a podcast (your recipe for success, how to grow your revenue and build your show) to actually sharing the stages of start to finish of launching your show. He includes resources that you can access on the internet through his website (but the links are included in the book) to help you along your journey with tips, examples, and tutorials.

Not everything is fully up to date (iTunes is now Apple) BUT this is still a great resource to have for building your audience and listenership and launching your show. That is part of the reason he included the links and resources because they will keep up to date. If you are ready to grow your podcast and business platform this is a great starting point.  


All of these podcasting books above are great ways to grow your knowledge of podcasting. Take some time this fall or next year to add these books to your reading list! Let us know your thoughts on them once you've read them or if you have already - we would love to chat more about what you think. Or if you are ready to hand off your podcasting production to someone else, connect with us here


This blog post was updated on November 28th, 2023


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