Podcast Guest Outreach Management

Are you a podcaster who regularly has guests or is interviewing others? It can be hard to stay consistent with your reachouts and try to fill your calendar if you don't stay on top of it. A lot of podcasts either get behind and don't have a regular schedule or they just quit altogether because there is more work to podcasting than you think.

However, we don't want that to happen to you. We find that making a system for podcast guest outreach management is a great way to stay organized and on top of your calendar. Here is our guide to help you manage your guests for your show today! 

Create a System

Now, this seems like a large task but it's not as complicated as it sounds. This will be some sort of CRM-like setup because you want to make sure to keep everything you need to know about your potential guests in one place as well as your follow-up details.

Some things you may want to know about them are their name, business, email, etc. Set up the program or system that you want to use to start managing yours, some free programs that we commonly use for this are: 

Whatever you choose is up to you, we all have preferences so find what works best for you and the information you need from your guests. 

Set up your Podcast Guest Outreach Management Info + Templates

After you have created and picked a system, now it's time to set up your tabs, and templates and get all that information you want to get from your guests sorted out. You will want to make sure you've included everything you want to know about these people. For example, some items you can include on your tabs are

  • If you need to gather a bio

  • or a headshot

  • any other specific details for your show 

  • have you emailed them yet

  • if yes, are you planning on following up? And how many times? How often? 

All those types of questions are organized and ironed out.  This is also a great time to create your email or social media message templates. Depending on how you are planning on reaching out and finding these guests, you want to have a template in place especially if you have team members (like Podcast Managers!) who will be pitching for you. They can definitely help write these as well if you are running into difficulties. But, here are a few tips to help you get started. 

A few tips when you are writing your templates

When it comes to writing your templates there are some details that you will want to include to catch their attention. These are people that are going to help entertain your audience and keep them around so you want to make sure they are the right fit.  So, when writing your templates take into account these things.  

  • The first thing you will want to do is think about who your potential guests will be. What kind of information and details will you need to do to catch their attention and make sure they are relevant to your show?

  • Then let them know why they are a good fit and why you want them for your show (how are they going to make an impact on your listeners!)

  • Make sure you make it worth their time and that you are personable. Don't just make a super generic email script and hope that works. Get to know your guests and make the connection. 

Now that you have your systems, the information you'll potentially need to gather, and your templates, we are to begin the last step you will need. A schedule!  

Create a schedule

When it comes to creating a schedule for your guest management there are a few factors at play here. 

  • How often are you needing guests? That will begin your determination of how often you need to reach out. 

  • On top of that, how many to send? So, if you are needing to 3 people a month, you may want to reach out to 10 people a month to make that number. 

  • Then think about if there are certain days and times that are better to contact your guest. For example, you are looking for guests who are working-from-home moms. A lot of moms who work from home like to open emails and do work before their kids get up for school - so maybe you send them out earlier in the morning. But that could change once school is out. So, take into account your guest and what their schedule may be. 

  • How often do want to follow up? Whatever it is, it should be consistent. 

Once you have your schedule set you are now ready to begin researching potential clients and getting in touch with them! 

To finish it out...

Podcast guest outreach + management and can be tough work, especially having the time regularly to stay on top of it and make sure it's getting done. If you run into getting behind and need assistance with it, reach out to us here! Don't allow not having a regular system for gathering guests to prevent you from putting out podcast episodes. 

Put our service to the test - be our guest. 😉


This blog post was updated on November 28th, 2023


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