Utilize Podcasting for Business

There are a multitude of reasons why people begin podcasting. But for many, a podcast is a way to utilize podcasting for business, specifically, an addition to their own business. It is there to help bring new leverage and presence to their brand or their services/products.

Depending on your goals, your budget, and how much time you can put in, a podcast could be a great option for you, read our blog on that here. You may still be on the fence about if it’s beneficial for your own business to start a podcast. Let’s find out!

Benefits of Using a Podcast to Support Your Business

You’ve decided you might be ready to start but you still don’t know if podcasting is right for your business. These are some great benefits that podcasting can bring for you and your brand

  • Your podcast can help build trust + authority. Your listeners are able to tune in every other week or monthly, whatever your schedule may be, and hear your voice, your knowledge, and your expertise. It brings a human element to your brand where they can put someone to your brand. It’s much more personal and provides tons of information on your topic of expertise.

  • It can help drive more traffic to your business (if done right). Now just having a podcast doesn’t mean all of a sudden your business is going to have new traffic. It may but you are going to need to point people from your podcast to your business for them to know where to go next.

  • This can also be an additional income. From merchandise, pushing your own services + products, and even sponsors or affiliates, this can be a great source of having more income streams. But remember, podcasting is more of a marathon run vs a spirit, making tons of money doesn’t usually happen overnight.

  • Podcasting can help build your community. This tags off of the above where there is such a human and personal element when you let people into your lives even in just a glimpse. It helps create another way for your listeners to connect with you and your brand.

    In the end, it does help reach potential clients. If you are utilizing your podcast in a way that is tasteful and marketing your business through it then you will be on the way to turning listeners into customers or clients.

But what are ways to utilize podcasting for business?

How to Utilize Podcasting for Business

Knowing the benefits of a podcast for your business is great. But how do you turn that from just a conversation to actually driving traffic and sales to your business from your show. There are a few ways that you can use podcasting for business.

  • Use Keywords + SEO. Whether that is with your podcast titles and descriptions or if you are writing show notes on your website. Using keywords and SEO for topics, especially ones that relate to your business, can help drive people who are asking those same questions to you. For example, if you have a business and a podcast about marketing and you do an episode on ‘How to Market Your Podcast to Make Money’ this could bring in people who are looking to either hire a marketer or get marketing tips on how to drive people to their show so they can make money.

  • Get your podcast or business on social media. If you already have a business account and don’t want to make a separate account for your podcast, then just start incorporating your podcast into your channel. One post example that can be great to help lead to your services is snippets of audio/video from an episode that relates to your services (you can link in the caption).  

  • Have show notes on your website. We mentioned this above where they should be SEO optimized. And yes you should do that as well but to push people to your business, in your show notes you should also point to where you want them to go in your business with a call to action. For example, if you want to push people to the new course you just launched at the end of your show notes you can point people to your course.

  • Include topics + conversations that go with your business. And have guests that your clients would want to hear from or could benefit from. Not only do you want to point people to your business but you want them to keep coming back. So, including topics and conversations that would help lead to naturally talking about your business and pointing people in that direction if possible. But at the same time, having guests that your audience can benefit from as well will keep them tuning in each week as they are winning too.

  • Insert ads + discounts for your business just for the show inside. Another great way to help point listeners to your business is offering ads and discounts in the show for your services and products just for them. You are offering exclusivity to your loyal podcast listeners and you are able to get more exposure to your brand.

  • And finally, Call to Action! Having CTAs in your show whether it be in your intro, outro, episode descriptions, show notes, or wherever it may be. Will help lead your audience to the next step and what you want them to do. If you want them to sign up for your free webinar, add that. If you want them to check out your services, link that. But figure out what it is and make a trackable link so you are able to keep track of how much business your podcast is bringing in.

Let’s Get Down to Business

Utilize podcasting for business can have some great benefits such as growing your brand and bringing in another source of income. But those things may not matter for you and your own business. Take a look at what your business goals are and see if a podcast would help you reach those goals. Then begin putting into action items such as ads and calls to action in your show so that you can begin to push people to your brand.

You got this! If you need help deciding if a podcast is right for you, connect with us, and let’s chat about it.



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