Getting Started with Video Podcasting

Have you been thinking about adding video to your podcast? Especially with the new year, it seems many want to head in that direction. Video podcasting can bring some great benefits such as reaching a new audience (like YouTube’s 2 billion+ users), it’s great for repurposing, can share snippets on other socials, and can help boost engagement.

But at the same time, video podcasting is a lot of work and may not be what you are looking to add (just because it's "trendy" and the direction everyone is headed). So, let’s see if it’s something you should include in your list of podcast to-dos.

Video Podcast vs Audio

Video podcasting is on the rise but what is it and how is it any different from audio? Well honestly, it’s quite similar to audio especially when it comes to recording and post-production. The biggest difference is the additional element of video and being recorded not just with your voice but your entire face, facial expressions, and everything going on around you that’s captured. There is also a little bit of difference when it comes to editing the video vs audio but for the most part, everything else in post-production will stay pretty much the same from scheduling to promoting.

So, if it’s not that different from audio, why doesn’t everyone do it? Well, like I mentioned with slightly different editing and recording styles it can take more time and money to execute. But the benefits may outweigh those things.

Benefits of Video Podcasting

So, you understand what video podcasting is and it’s time to decide if you are ready to add it to your list of to-dos but you want to confirm that there are benefits if you are going to be potentially expending more money and time. One thing to first look at is the statistics behind video podcasting.

For one, Digital Music News points out, “a combined total of 57 percent of weekly podcast consumers prefer to listen to podcasts while watching their video either in the background (29 percent) or directly (28 percent), the study shows – up from a total of 43 percent in October of 2021.” Having the addition of video doesn’t mean you won’t keep your audio listeners but you may add an entirely new fan base, especially if video podcasting continues on the rise rate that it has been in the past few years.

Minus increased engagement to an entirely new listener base that you could be tapping into, some other benefits of video podcasting are it can bring additional content to repurpose, utilizing transcriptions and closed captions.. You can use the video format on your social media accounts, your website, or anywhere else you share your knowledge. And this could also be another place you monetize in the future.

How to get Started Today with Video

It’s been confirmed! You are on board to start video podcasting today. But, how do you get started?

  1. Figure out where you are recording + get the right equipment

    1. You'll need a computer, microphone, camera, and headphones at minimum.  

    2. If you don't have a big budget then your computer camera and the microphone on your headphones (like AirPods) can work. As well as using Zoom to record the podcast, it's free software for up to 40 minutes of recording. 

    3. If you do have a little bigger budget - look at Zencastr or Riverside for recording, a camera other than your internal computer one, and a Podcasting microphone like the Samson Q2U.

  2. Just like audio, plan out + get your episode ready to record. Figure out your schedule (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.), when you want to record, schedule your guests, and then create your outline for your episode(s).

  3. Record. Once you have your episodes mapped out and guests planned begin recording!

  4. Post-production. This would include editing your video + audio, thumbnail, music, add-ins, etc.

  5. Distribution. Upload your podcast to your host to get it across all of your preferred platforms, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts. But also upload them to your video platforms such as YouTube or a video-on-demand platform, such as Uscreen, and share on socials!

If this doesn’t sound like you, that’s okay! Audio podcasting is still on the rise and will continue to make big strides in 2023. But if you are ready to get started with video podcasting today, I hope this helps solidify getting you going. If you need help getting your video podcast up and running, reach out to us!


This blog post was updated on November 28th, 2023


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