Podcast Media Kit - Get Yours Set Up!

Maybe you've been podcasting for a while or you are just ready to start getting the word of your show out there for sponsors and other PR reasons. Podcast Media Kits are great to set up for your show so you have a quick one-sheet with all the most important details of your podcast.

With the tips below you will soon be an expert in having a podcast media kit and getting yours set up today! 

What is a Podcast Media Kit?

As mentioned above, a Podcast Media Kit is a great quick one-sheet that will give you an overview of all the important details of your show. I love how thepodcasthost defines it as "a media kit is a parcel of information about your podcast that’s easy to share and consume. Think of it as an appetizer sampler platter. It’s a condensed, snack-sized, flavorful version of your work, that makes listeners want more."

But I would go even further and say it's not just for your listeners. It's a great way to showcase your work to potential guests, sponsors, ads, and anyone else who may need a quick snippet of all your hard work. 

Why do you need a Podcast Media Kit?

So, what makes you think you need one? I mean you most likely have just gone on fine without one this far. However, if you want to monetize or really level up your show, the media kit is a great place to start. Especially since once it's created you only have to update it every so often with new information (and of course to make sure it's up to date visually) but once you have it, it's pretty much set.

But you want to have all your great information formed in a quick, professional manner for those mentioned above. Everyone is so busy these days, make your information easy to access and read but also give them everything they need to know to be a part of your show or to sponsor it. 

What to Include in Yours!

Now that you have been convinced to create your media kit for your show, here are all the essentials you need to include. 

  • Your Podcast Show Name

  • Your show description/summary

  • Your Cover Art

  • Give details about the host(s)

  • Your Intended Audience

  • Why listen + be a part of your show

  • any other important information related to your show timeline

  • How do you promote/distribute your show

  • Signature Topics

  • Previous Guests

  • Stats (social channel followers, monthly page views, podcast downloads, monthly listeners, and email subscribers) 

  • links for where to listen

  • link to your socials, website, and contact details

  • Show your trailer or your top episodes

Remember, all shows are different so the information you include or need may vary slightly depending on the goals and needs of your show. Suppose you are struggling to set up your podcast media kit. In that case, we can help you create one by contacting us here or signing up for our newsletter and receiving instant access to our Podcast Media Kit Template where you can customize it yourself with your own information and branding! 


We hope you take the chance and build out your podcast media kit, your show will thank you for it! With an overview of what it is, why you need one, and details on how to get started you have every reason to jump ahead and get started today!

Let us know in the comments if you have one or if you are planning on getting created today - we are rooting for you! 


This blog post was updated November 28th, 2023


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