Podcast Hosting Sites to Consider

It’s time to launch your podcast and you’ve read everything there is to know about getting started and the steps to take for getting set up to begin recording. But you’ve reached the point where it’s time to actually upload your recordings somewhere, that’s where podcast hosting sites come in. 

These are the websites that you will upload your episodes to and they will be distributed across all the listening platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and more. So, what options are out there, and which ones are the best for you? Now, we aren’t going to be doing an extensive list of them all, just our top 4 favorites. If you are looking to compare a lot more platforms out there, this is a great article by Podcast Insights.

Anchor (Spotify for Podcasters)

If you are looking for a great hosting platform that is free, this is a great place to start. Spotify for Podcasters is an easy-to-use platform that is always making new updates.

What we like:

  • it’s free

  • easy to use

  • has monetization options right through them either setting up subscriptions or host-read ads

  • You can put your episode together within the program so record, edit, and compile all within Anchor! 

  • Does have an integration with Riverside if you do video podcasting

  • Offers some great features to interact with your listeners as well as monetize your show

What we don’t like:

  • it doesn’t have a ton of data options for analytics if you want to track more of that information

Who this will benefit most:

  • looking for something good for the budget

  • Great for beginner or hobby podcasts


Buzzsprout is a great option if you are looking for a few more stats and a seamless-to-use platform while not breaking the bank. 

What we like:

  • user-friendly + clean layout

  • does offer basic stats which we like

  • customizable podcast player

  • can create timestamp chapters for listeners so they are able to click and go right to that talking point

  • you can upload and have it unpublished (not scheduled or live but still be able to work on details like episode description and chapters)

  • able to collaborate and work with people inside using “Team Members” giving you the option to give someone like your podcast manager, different levels of access depending on what you need. 

  • offer incredible support for podcasters with a podcast, blogs, YouTube videos, a community (FB support group), and more.

  • they also just recently added subscriptions + affiliations so this can be great if you are ready to start monetizing

  • the ability to write an episode description and work on them with someone else right inside!

What we don’t like:

  • has a free option but episodes will be deleted after 30 days. 

  • limited stats still – it’s nice it has stats but if you are looking for more details for example on demographics for your show’s listeners you may want something more. 

Who this will benefit most:

  • Someone wants a step up from a free option with a few more capabilities.

  • Able to pay but still stay within a budget

  • Podcasts for businesses and podcasts with bigger budgets at the start.


Captivate.fm is another good option for hosting especially if you have been podcasting for a while, it’s a user-friendly platform with a more robust backend when it comes to stats, ads, and more compared to some others.  

What we like:

  • they offer a wide range of analytics

  • some cool additional options for booking guests within the platform

  • Unlimited storage and uploading

  • can upload your sponsor kit

  • has a customizable podcast player

  • has a place where you can create episode ideas and begin planning episodes with show note ideas, links, guest information, and anything else you’d include. 

  • easy to schedule + insert dynamic ads

What we don’t like:

  • Don’t get me wrong, we love the stat options but if we were to change one thing it would be to include better episode comparison stats

Who this will benefit most:

  • business podcasts or podcasts who have been podcasting for a while

  • people who want to monetize, need more stats, and want to streamline more things through your hosting like guest management, episode planning + show notes. 


Last up is Libsyn but being last doesn’t make it the least. It’s also another great platform for hosting your podcast. 

What we like:

  • it’s affordable

  • easy to use

  • Also can host and distribute your video podcast

  • like Anchor can record and edit right inside the platform

  • a household name in the industry (not that it makes a huge difference but it is the first podcast hosting site so they have some history with podcasting)

  • has dynamic ads (but looks like only through the pro version) and other monetization options

  • also has some good analytics but better analytics come with paying more so depending on your budget this may not be as applicable.

What we don’t like:

  • recently it’s been having some issues with not releasing episodes properly and this is something they are working on. 

Who this will benefit most:

  • someone on a budget

  • someone looking for a good easy to use program with stats and analytics

Video Podcasting

This post is mostly about audio hosting but for some, you also distribute your podcast via video. Here are some good places that also offer video distribution: 


There are so many incredible platforms out there to host your podcast on. Take a look at your show needs and budget to help you decide which hosting is the best for you. There is no right or wrong answer to which one to pick in our opinion. What may work for one show, may not work for someone else depending on your goals and what you are utilizing your podcast for. 

If you are looking for more tips, check out our blog where we post weekly on all things podcasting. 


This blog post was updated on November 28th, 2023


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