How to Stand Out in a Sea of Podcasts

A few months ago we had discussed on our Instagram ways to stand out in a sea of podcasts. But it’s a question we get asked often so I thought I would elaborate more on ways to help you stick out to your audience (and potential listeners)! 

So, I figured I would go over the ones we mentioned in the post with a little more detail as well as give you a few more ways to expand and stand out in a sea of podcasts. Because we get it – it’s difficult when there are so many shows. But you have value and a lot to offer so don’t discount who you can reach your message to! 

Offer Something Valuable Every Episode.

We have discussed in the post how quality over quantity is important. Now, again, this doesn’t have to mean a freebie. It can be something that just improves your audience’s day, helps grow their knowledge bank or even steps that they can take to improve themselves. There are many ways that your listeners could be spending their time, yet they choose to spend it listening to your show so make it worth it! 

Here are some great options for offering some value in your episodes: 

  • Teach them something 

  • Entertain them 

  • Give them some steps they can take away afterward and work on themselves. Such as a challenge or action steps they can act upon! 

  • Give ways to have your audience engage and participate after the episode and you could even link this information in the show notes for easy access. Things that they may want to engage with: giving recommendations/feedback on your show, topic or guest ideas, reviews, etc. A great way to have them interact is on the latest episode’s social post (that way you can interact back and have a conversation style!) 

  • Of course, there is the freebie option! 

Be Consistent.

This was something we preached about in the Instagram post but it’s true. Being consistent with your show will make a huge difference in standing out. Create a schedule that works for you and is consistent so your listeners know when to check in for your latest episodes. This can be a schedule that works for you so don’t feel you need to overdue it and post daily or weekly if that just won’t work for your life. But having a consistent schedule will keep your listeners knowing what to expect and when to expect it, they don’t have to just be waiting around hoping you will release another episode. Especially because as we mentioned in the post, your audience makes you a part of their lives so don’t go wasting their time by not showing up when you told them you would. It will lose trust and listeners.

Some great ways to help you stay consistent are…

  • Set up a project management tool for your podcast. This way you can track all your episodes – what stage they are in, add due dates to make sure they are being released on time and you have all the information ready to go when it’s time. 

  • Hire a podcast manager. It can be hard to manage all your episode tasks regularly even with a project management tool. A podcast manager is are expert in podcasting, will help keep your show uploading consistently, and be a huge time-saver for you. If you want to learn more about what a podcast manager is, check out our blog post on the topic here. Or if you are ready to outsource today, check out our podcast management package here

  • Last, just make sure you set up a calendar that works best for you. When deciding how often and when just try and stick to the same times and days to help you create a routine of consistency. 

Optimize your Podcast.

Another great thing you can do for your show to stand out is make sure you are discoverable. What I mean by that is you are using keywords and SEO (plus your uniqueness) to harness the power of search engine optimization.

Your current and potential listeners are going to be searching for topics (if they haven’t asked around already by family + friends) that you want to make sure they will be able to find when they are on the hunt. Adding keywords and SEO will help optimize your episodes to pop up but it will also ensure you are accessible in all forms, not just audio. 

Ways you can optimize your podcast: 

  • Adding keywords + SEO to…

    • your website

    • podcast title/show description

    • show notes

    • create actual blog posts that utilize keywords

    • YouTube (if you are uploading to there as well) and other social channels like Pinterest

Be Adventurous.

What I mean by that is don’t be afraid to trial/error and try something new. Because there is so much sameness when it comes to podcasting, being yourself and unique while trying something new may just stand out. Yes, it may also flop but having your own twist on your show will make it much more memorable than following everyone else in your industry.

Of course, doing research and seeing what is working is great, but don’t be afraid to step out, try different things, and maybe fail a few times before you find what works for your show. Plus, continuing to change things up will keep it lively and fresh – your audience will also know what to expect but still have surprises to keep them coming back. 

Some questions to help you get out and try something new: 

  • While researching others in your industry, is there something you may want to try that you haven’t seen done yet in a podcast? 

  • Is there a different way to promote your show that would stand out to your specific listeners? 

  • What unique ways can you interact and connect with your listeners other than social media? 

Remember, don’t be afraid to get out there and try something that you think could be a great addition to your show. To stand out in the sea of podcasts, we have to try to do things in our own unique way and that doesn’t come without trial and error! 

Promote your Podcast Uniquely + Often.

You may already be promoting your show. But are you doing it regularly enough and trying many different ways to get the word of your show out there?

Now, we know that recommendations from friends and family are a big way that shows grow their listenership. But it’s not the only way! Promoting your show yourself on social media and other avenues can also bring in new audiences. Don’t get stuck on just your usual social media channels and paid ads. Look for other unique places that your potential listeners may be accessing to also get the word out there. 

For some examples:

  • Maybe your listeners are creatives and there is a local artist event happening in your area – is there a way you can promote your show there? 

  • Look for networking events for your audience (both locally + virtually)

  • Are there other social channels you don’t regularly post on you could try like Pinterest, Reddit, or LinkedIn? 

Then, are you also regularly promoting? Not just once in a blue moon – you need to be talking about your show, your latest episodes, and if you have guests. Because the more you talk about it, the more likely you will get in front of your potential listener. Plus, if you are trying to build yourself as an authority figure in your industry,  this will help build your discoverability for such.  


I hope that diving a little deeper into ways you can stand out in a sea of podcasts helps get your show more visibility. It can be hard when it feels like the podcasting industry is so saturated, but it’s not, there is room for us all! You may just need to think a little outside of the box to make yourself stand out above the others. 

Here’s to making waves with your podcast and standing out in the sea of podcasts! Xx


This blog post was updated November 28th, 2023


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