3 Reasons to Use Pinterest for Podcasters

As a podcaster, I am sure you have already begun utilizing the power of other social media channels like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or even YouTube. However, have you begun optimizing your podcast on Pinterest? If not, you are missing out on a huge audience (according to Pinterest 482 million people every month to be exact!)

Think about the reach and new listeners you could be getting your show in front of if you took a leap on the platform. That's why this week we are going to be going over 3 benefits of using Pinterest for Podcasters (and how you can get started today!) 

3 Benefits of Using Pinterest for Podcasters

1. Drive Traffic to your Podcast

Other than missing out on a mass audience by not using Pinterest, there are a handful of other benefits that should help convince you to give Pinterest a shot. The first is that using Pinterest will help drive traffic to your website. 

  • Creating pins that link to your website and places they can listen to. This will help convert people to your podcast (and business!) since they will click on the link that leads to their next step! Remember, few other social sites help drive traffic away from their site to yours.

  • Since pins live on Pinterest forever, it makes them much more evergreen. This allowed them to drive traffic over time. Yes, creating fresh pins is still important but don't forget the benefits of all your pins that already live on Pinterest. 

2. Great Way to Promote your Podcast

Another benefit of using Pinterest for podcasts is it's just another great way to promote your podcast. 

  • Some things that you can promote about your own podcast on Pinterest are...

    • Show notes + blog posts 

    • new episodes

    • if you have episode freebies or other resources worth sharing (like infographics) 

    • If you create videos or video snippets, a great place to upload them. 

    • If you sell merchandise for your podcast, utilize Pinterest marketplace as 89% of users are looking there for purchase inspo (Omnicore).

    • You can also utilize Pinterest Ads (including recently introducing Idea Ads - a whole additional way to reach your Pinterest audience).

      • just like any other social platform, using their paid ads can be a great way to try and reach a more specific audience. 

3. Growing your Brand Presence

Not only is Pinterest a great way to improve your traffic and promote your podcast. But it can also help grow your brand and become more of an authority figure in your industry. 

  • If you are posting consistently and staying on brand (both with your look and content), people will begin to remember you and your content together with your industry. It can really help build your rapport in your market. 

  • Again, having a long pin life span can help people see your pins more than once. As well as reach new pinners helping grow your presence in the Pinterest world. 

  • The same happens when using keywords + SEO. They can help expand your visibility for the words that you want to rank for. 

Get Started with Pinterest for Podcasters Today

Here are 3 tips to help you get started today with Pinterest for your podcast. 

  1. Set up your business account ➪ that way you can claim your domain and track analytics.

  2. Doing keyword research ➪ at the start will help guide the content you post on Pinterest. You want to make sure people are actually searching for what you are creating! 

  3. Creating visually appealing graphics for your episode ➪ show notes is a great place for this since they are like blog posts that you can share on Pinterest. Create pin graphics to drive traffic to your site (and your podcast!) 


We hope these three benefits and our tips for getting started help you take a chance and get going with Pinterest today for your Podcast. However, if you don’t see results right away don’t give up too quickly – you may not see anything happen instantly as that isn’t how Pinterest works. It’s a social channel you need to be consistent to see results over the course of a few months.

So, create a plan and stick with it! If you need any help getting started with Pinterest today for your podcast, reach out to us here for support. 


This blog post was updated on November 28th, 2023


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