What to Know as a Podcast Guest (Especially For First-Timers!)
You don’t have to have a podcast to utilize the benefits of podcasting! Being a podcast guest is another great way to access the awesomeness of podcasting without having a podcast yourself. Instead, you become an expert for other shows (ideally in your niche/ideal audience). But if you don’t have a podcast (or you’ve never been a podcast guest) then you might not know what to expect and how to prepare to give the best interview, for yourself and the podcast you guest on.
Continue reading for what to know as a podcast guest (especially for first-timers!)
Do your Research
This may seem like a no-brainer and most likely a step you already took when researching podcasts that fit your target audience. BUT it’s extremely important to do research on the show and the hosts prior to guesting on the show.
You don’t want to show up for something thinking it’s all about Wednesday and it really is all about Enid.
Photo Credit: Roosa Maria Art Tumblr
You want to make sure you are on the same page for how the interview is presented such as format, topics, questions they ask, the tone of the show, etc.
You can review their website, social media channels, and of course, listen to past episodes to help give you a feel of what to expect and how to prepare for being a guest.
Get Prepared
After you’ve done your research, it’s time to get prepared. This is a great time if they’ve given you potential talking points or questions, to jot dot key points and messages that you will want to talk about, especially if you are doing it share specific expertise. And to not forget anything important you may want to mention.
If the show hasn’t given any ideas but you know what the show episode is going to be about, it’s still good to make notes of talking points and what things you may want to share.
We recommend organizing your talking points in order by discussion with bullets underneath to help keep your points concise and smooth-flowing. Including if you have no idea what it will be about, that way you will make sure to cover the stuff you want to cover first and anything at the end is okay to leave out in case of time for example.
Also, this is a great time to gather up your microphone, headphones, and any other technology pieces like a pop screen or windscreen, and the programs (Zoom/Riverside/Zencastr) you plan on using to do a quick check and test to make sure everything is working and ready when you do jump on the call.
Practice Makes ‘Perfect’
This next tip is especially important if you haven’t ever been a podcast guest before. Practice your interview. I know it may sound crazy but you would be surprised how much “pod fright” can happen just like stage fright. It’s different when you get in front of the microphone (and video!) if you’ve never done it before.
Practice your…
talking points and potential responses
the way you talk + how you talk (fast/slow).
You want to get comfortable and feel comfortable with talking. When doing this, even pull up your own video platform (like Zoom), microphone, and headphones to get a feel of what it will be like when doing this live.
Once you’ve researched, prepared, and practiced you will be ready to jump on your interview! But there are a few other things that we think can help make you a ‘pod’fect guest!
Share it!
You’ve done your interview (and rocked it!), now you are probably wondering, now what? Well, especially if you don’t have a show it’s time to help promote it! I mean you are going to want your own audience to know that you made an appearance somewhere in case they want to tune in as well.
Plus, it’s a thoughtful thing to do for a podcast that was kind enough to have you on their show to help spread the word. You can share your episode on your social media channels, website, your email newsletter, and anywhere else you market your brand.
Follow-Up + Check-In
Finally, if you haven’t heard from the hosts after the episode went live, it’s not a bad idea to follow up and check-in. These are people in your new network so it’s a great time to resend them a thank you for having you on the show. And if you want to be on again, it’s a great time to suggest you are open for any future collaborations!
The ‘Pod’fect Guest
We hope that with these tips you go out there and give guest podcasting a try. There are so many benefits like expanding your reach, building your brand visibility, new networking opportunities, and more. Take the time to find the podcasts that would be the right fit for you and take the time to be the best guest you can be. It will help you provide great content not only for the show but for yourself as well. If you need help with guest podcasting yourself, reach out to us!