What to Include On Your Podcast Website

Your podcast website is a great way for additional podcast discoverability and to have all your information in one place. Especially, if you add it as a tab on your business website to help invite people to see your other content like your services/products.

It serves as a central hub for your content and allows your audience to connect with you in a space you own versus just on social media.

But what exactly should you include on your website (or web page)? Continue reading to find out!

About the show

One of the first things you’ll want to include is having an “about” section on your site. You want listeners (and potential listeners) to know…

  • Who you are as the host(s)

  • The mission of your podcast

  • Why they would want to listen (what are they getting out of your show)

  • What they can expect

This may be similar to what you have as your show description in podcast players but you want to start building that personal connection with your audience here as well.

Your Episodes

You want to have a way for your listeners to be able to listen to the episodes and be able to read your show notes for additional links and information (plus it’s great for SEO!).

Having the entire backlog of your podcast will make it easily accessible for people to listen to new episodes as well as go back and find other content they may be looking for. I would highly recommend…

  • Adding a search bar so that your audience can search a specific topic/guest vs just scrolling through all your episodes.

  • Have a way to organize episodes by season, category, and/or topic in case they are looking for something specific.

  • SEOify it! As I mentioned above, it’s a great way to optimize it for discoverability. There are two tips I recommend for this.

    1. Find good keywords that relate to your podcast and your episodes. If you need help finding keywords, here is a great article by Ausha on how to find the best keywords.

  • 2. Optimize your homepage and episodes! As Kieran points out in his most recent newsletter (which if you are an Indie podcaster and haven’t subscribed yet, here is a link too as I highly recommend it!). But you can optimize your home page by adding your niche to make it clear to potential listeners/Google what your show is about. As well as your episodes, by making your title clear, aiming for at least 300 words, and including your subject at least 2 times.

Subscribe and Make it Easy to Listen

Having your show notes and episodes listed above is great but make sure that the episodes can also be listened to. You want to take away the friction of having to go to another app if someone browsing doesn’t want to do that extra step to tune in to the episode they came across.

Plus, you want to allow them to easily subscribe to your podcast. Some ways to do this are…

  • Add your hosting podcast player on each episode so they can easily click and listen in right then and there.

  • Include links/buttons for different podcast platforms like Apple, Spotify, etc. so they can easily go to their favorite listening app to subscribe and listen that way if they would like.

Contact Information

You want to make it simple for listeners to reach out to you in case they want to offer suggestions for topics, give feedback, or even provide guest inquiries.

I would add multiple contact options such as your email, a contact form, a guest submission form, and even social links.

Testimonials and Reviews

Including testimonials and reviews is a great way to show social proof and build your trust and credibility with potential listeners.

They may want to know exactly why they should listen and what they could be getting out of your show. A great way to show that is from actual listeners! So, include reviews directly from Apple, Podchaser, or even screenshots from comments/DMs you’ve received on social media (but make sure to get their consent to add to your website).

Additional Tips

Another way you can up your podcasting website is by adding additional resources that make it more accessible or provide additional value for your listeners. Such as…

  1. Mobile Optimization! Many of your listeners will likely be coming to your page from your show description and will be on their phones so ensuring your website is mobile-friendly will help prevent people from leaving your site.

  2. Add a transcript! Being accessible to all can be a great way to be more inclusive and reach an even greater audience.

  3. Video option! If you also record a video podcast, add a link/embed it on the episode page for that as well in case someone prefers the video format and allows them to easily find it and watch.

  4. Time stamps! Sometimes someone is looking for specific information, this is an excellent way to give an overview of what the episode includes and get to the parts their most interested in.

Whether you have a whole website or a tab on your current website for your podcast it’s a great way to increase your discoverability and give your listeners a one-stop shop for your show.

Do you need help with your podcast website? Reach out to us and let’s chat about what would work best for you!



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