Spooky Podcasting Mistakes to Avoid

We are continuing our Halloween theme with the concept of spooky mistakes. just like the 'ums' lurking in the dark, these are the errors that frighten us that will happen in our own podcasts. But it’s okay, it happens to the best of us and we can always fix our errors, especially in podcasting. So, together let's creep into some of the spooky podcasting mistakes that you should avoid!

Lack of Preparation

The first spooky mistake is the lack of preparation. Being prepared when recording a podcast can make a big difference between a successful podcast and one that just misses the mark.

There are a few ways that not being prepared can disrupt the quality and effectiveness of your episodes. For example, it can cause for you…

  • To not have clear points

  • Having inaccurate information

  • Not being knowledgeable about your guests leads to potential missed opportunities for some great interaction or content that could really align with your listeners.

But you can avoid the mistake of being unprepared by:

  1. Do your research ahead of time. This will help you know your guests as well as potentially be prepared for any good opportunities and ways to include your audience questions/areas that would interest them.

  2. Create an outline so you know you’re talking points as well as questions you may want to ask your guests. 

I recently saw one interview from The Podcast Haven on Jay Yow about his journey from intern to A-list podcast producer. Eric had done his research and got to know Jay in a way I hadn’t heard before – it was an excellent interview. Catch it here.

Poor Audio Quality

This next one is one I think many of us know but don’t always consider which is poor audio quality. 

Have you ever listened to a show where it sounds like they’re underwater or there is a really small sound in the background that you just can’t stop focusing on where you end up just not being able to finish the episode? Sometimes that happens. But we don’t want it to happen to us!  

Some other common audio quality mistakes are…

  • Not using a microphone

  • Or not using any headphones

  • Not leveling your audio

  • Bad background noise

  • The “s” or “p” sounds

  • Or even on the opposite end and over-processing of your audio.

But have no fear, you can solve bad audio with a few solutions:

  1. Get a microphone and headphones (can still be budget-friendly but can greatly improve your audio)

    1. Check out our blog here for some options in all price ranges.

  2. Run your episode through Auphonic to help level out audio and you can remove unwanted background noise.

    1. They also offer an additional paid feature where you can get a transcript and show notes, helping increase accessibility while saving you time!

Inconsistent Scheduling

Another scary issue that we see happen is inconsistent scheduling.  This is something that we discussed last week on the blog (linked here if you more details). However, for a brief summary having a consistent schedule helps build and keep your audience around.

You’re probably thinking how can inconsistency really hurt my podcast? Well, it can leave listeners confused about when your show will be released and eventually stop listening to find a show that meets their listening needs, decreasing your engagement and even limiting monetization options (it can be hard to monetize when you aren’t regularly releasing episodes).

So, how do you avoid this spooky podcasting mistake?

  1. Set a schedule for tasks and then block those tasks off in your calendar so you make time for them.

  2. Don’t bite off more than you can chew! If you already have a busy personal and work life then be realistic with yourself and don’t put too many tasks on your plate if you can’t do them all (or consider outsourcing those extra time-consuming tasks!)

Ignoring Audience Feedback

Our spooky mistakes don’t stop there. Another one that we think is a big one is ignoring your audience’s feedback. Now you may be thinking, “Aleea, I would never do that!”

Well, you might be right, but sometimes this can happen unintentionally. And the ramifications of ignoring your audience’s opinion can be great from losing audience retention, decreasing engagement, and losing their trust.

That’s why it’s important to take into account what your listener has to say. Here are some ways to help do that:

  1. Encourage feedback and then if your listeners suggest changes or a topic – look at making them into your show! One of the best ways to show you listen/care is to incorporate their feedback.

  2. Or incorporate your listeners into the show! Have them ask questions for the guest, have a listener section in the episode where you use voicemails, or highlight a question they ask. Including your listeners can be a great way to get input from them!

Lack of Podcast Promotion

Finally, we are ending with our last spooky podcasting mistake, the lack of podcast promotion (*GASP*).

I know, I know. As scary as it is, it’s true. The lack of podcast promotion is a common mistake that many podcasters make. From not promoting at all to creating promotional material that just isn’t hitting the mark, the lack of promotion can decrease your visibility, and your reach and make it harder for your listeners to share with their friends and family.

And nobody wants that! So, how can you improve your podcast promotion?

  1. Start by creating a consistent schedule (again, remember it’s not what everyone else’s consistency is but what yours is!) Then make sure you are creating content for your listeners and sharing it on the days you planned for.

  2. Look at unique ways you can promote the show outside social media. Such as locally or think about doing a social media collaboration with a similar niche podcaster. This will help grow your audience as well as keep you accountable for promoting.

Sealing the Coffin on Spooky Podcasting Mistakes

Circling back to the start – mistakes are bound to happen, even in podcasting!

But the goal is to try your best to avoid them as best you can or fix them as quickly as possible. I hope these tips help and if you are looking for additional podcasting tips and tricks, check out our blog



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