Should a Business Have a Podcast?

Podcasting can be a great way to expand your reach. Whether that is from promoting your own services/products or just spreading your knowledge out there, there are a lot of reasons why businesses may consider starting a podcast. But, should a business have a podcast?

That is the question I am going to be answering today because just because there are benefits doesn’t mean it’s right for you. So, stay tuned as we dive into it! 

Benefits of Having a Podcast for Business

As I mentioned, there are a lot of benefits to having a podcast for your business like the expanded reach and creating yourself as an expert in your niche. However, those aren’t the only gains for getting your business into the podcasting game.

  1. You can build brand awareness. By reaching new audiences and listeners you will be getting in front of new potential customers and referrals.

  2. Help build relationships. Building deeper relationships with your audience can help turn them into clients and increase their engagement with you. 

  3. Help generate leads. Using your podcast as a marketing tool for your business will help increase your leads and eventually, the money that comes into your business.

These are also benefits that we have discussed when it comes to private podcasting! So, if you are on the fence about having a whole feed, consider doing a private podcast or even one that’s a limited series.

Challenges of Starting and Maintaining a Podcast for Business

In the same breath, sometimes just because something sounds good and looks good on paper doesn’t mean it always transfers that way when we give it a try. So, I also want to mention some of the struggles that come with starting a podcast –

  • Time and Resource Constraints. There is more work to starting a podcast than just recording a couple of episodes and getting it up there especially if you want to use it as a marketing tool for your business. You need to plan all the branding (name, what the show is about, cover art, etc.), plan the episodes (record and run them through production), a promotional plan, and then a regular schedule to stick with it. It’s not just a one-time project but a regular thing you will need to keep up with.

    • Some ways to overcome this though is to create a consistent schedule once your show has launched so you stick with it or consider hiring outside help, like us here at Golden Goose Creative to help you keep up on all the tasks.

  • Consistency. Starting a podcast is easier to manage because it’s a one-time project you most likely put everything into. But podcasting is a long-term game and you have to stick with it and that’s where it gets challenging. So, think about do you have the time to keep up with this regularly.

    • The ways to overcome this are similar to above, set up a schedule and stick with it, consider hiring production support, and don’t forget to keep it simple. Set up your production checklist, keep it short and sweet so it makes it easy to record, produce, and market! 

  • Building an Audience. As I mentioned, podcasting is something that is a long race vs a quick sprint and it can get really difficult when it feels like you are doing everything but you aren’t growing your audience. But building an audience can take time and it can feel really unmotivating when your show feels stagnant with no growth.

    • A couple of ways to overcome this is to track your marketing strategy – make sure you know what is working and what isn’t working so you can continue making changes, try new marketing ideas as you never know what can help get your show out there and don’t give up! Again, growing your show takes time and we all start from zero. As Jeremy Enns discussed in one of his more recent newsletters (if you aren’t subscribed, you should check it out!) but he says, “audiences can only be earned, no matter who it is that’s building them.” and it’s so true – don’t forget that being consistent + persistent will pay off in the long run. 

So, if any of these challenges seem like something that would come up for you, it is worth taking some time to see if starting a podcast for your business really right for your needs.

How you would use a podcast for your business

Now, that you’ve seen the benefits and evaluated the challenges, you’ve decided starting a podcast for your business seems like a good choice, but how do you actually use your show for your business?

Well, here are some ideas:

  • Promote your products and/or services. Your show is a great way to promote your current and upcoming offerings that you have. You can use ad space on your show, mention it when it feels relevant, interview people who can give personal experience from your offerings, point people to your email list, offer exclusive content like freebies, share testimonials/success stories, and more.

  • Utilize it for networking. It’s a great way to not only connect with other podcasters and professionals in your industry but to connect with listeners and guests who you may not realize could bring new opportunities like cross-promoting, referrals to your services/products, and being clients/customers themselves.

  • Build yourself as a leader in your industry. Again, as I mentioned above, podcasting is a great way to build your authority and show your expertise. And, you can do it for your business as well. Discuss insights, trends and provide advice that your business would provide to your audience to help build that. Plus, if you bring on guests or clients they can help with bringing a new perspective and building your credibility.

  • A way to educate your clients and customers. You are able to help provide a better understanding of your offerings, how they will benefit your listeners and address common questions and concerns. Plus, your podcast is a great way to reinforce your brand messaging and values to help build brand loyalty and awareness.

  • Another form of income. And don’t forget that your podcast can be an additional source of revenue. Consider partnerships, collaborations, and affiliates for ways that you can grow your business’s income without just selling your products and services!

Is podcasting right for your business?

In the end, there are a lot of pros to having a podcast for your business but that doesn’t mean there won’t be any challenges along the way. After all is said in done, if the pros outweigh the cons and it seems like it would be a huge benefit for your business, we say do it!

Podcasting can be a great marketing tool to take your business to new heights. If you need help getting your podcast launched, reach out to us here.

And if you are looking for additional resources on how to market your business using your podcast, subscribe to our newsletter to get access to our free guide.



How to Start a Podcast with No Audience


Legal Things to Consider: Podcasting