Promoting your Podcast on Instagram

Constantly looking for new marketing strategies is a part of every business, including a podcast. Just like many of us, you are probably on most social media platforms including Instagram. But are you on there promoting your podcast? 

Perhaps, you started your Instagram for personal or professional reasons but not with your podcast in mind.

That's okay. You don't necessarily need an account dedicated solely to your show, especially if you already have a page you use regularly. But if it fits and you are okay including it, then add your podcast all over your current profile, and let your followers know you have one. However, if you don’t have one or want to keep it separate then starting a new one is a great option.

So, let’s jump into why you should be on Instagram, what to include on your profile, what to share, and ideas for posts.

Why Should Your Podcast be on Instagram

If your audience already regularly uses Instagram or you know that's where your ideal listener hangs out, then it makes sense to hop on board to be able to reach those folks. But if not and you aren’t sure if it’s the right fit, there are currently over 2 billion monthly active users on there. So, this is a great place to reach a wider audience and put content that could be getting in front of the right person.

A few other reasons why you might want your show on Instagram are...

  • Community building. You are able to communicate and engage with your audience through likes, comments, and direct messages. Plus, you can connect by sharing behind-the-scenes footage and other highlights that bring them along on the journey with you. 

  • A great marketing tool. When it comes down to it, Instagram is a great way to promote your show. You are able to share teasers, snippets, videos, quotes, behind-the-scenes, and more about the show episodes to drive people to listen to the show. You are able to get personal and connect with them in a capacity you can't through your podcast. 

  • Networking building. So, yes you can build a community with listeners but don't forget about the community of other podcasters, businesses, and individuals you can connect with too. You are able to network with others in your niche that could bring about opportunities you never even thought of such as being a podcast guest, a sponsorship opportunity, or even people referring your work/your products. 

What to Include on Your IG Profile

To start, if you already have an account and don't plan on making a new one then here are some things you should include: 

  • Your podcast name in your bio

  • a link to be able to listen to the show (and even better if it's trackable)

  • Begin incorporating podcast posts with your other content

If you don’t already have an IG account and do plan on making one, here is what you should include:

  • Username. If you are starting from the get-go,  choose a name that reflects your podcast and/or your brand. 

  • Profile picture. It's better to have it be a picture of you the hosts or your podcast. It needs to be recognizable and related to the show.

  • Your Bio. When writing your bio have it give an idea of what your show is about and include relevant links. You want to make listening to your podcast as easy as possible.

  • Posts to have. You will have a lot of posts over time, especially if you stay consistent but I like to have 9 posts on your grid at the start in case someone comes to your account looking for more information. Here are some ideas on what you can include for that:

    • About the show. Have an image of your cover art with details of your show. Again, you want listeners to know what it is, what they can expect, what it looks like (so they remember it when they come across it), and when it airs

    • About the hosts. This doesn't have to be strictly an image, it can be a reel or carousel. Whatever works best for you. But you want to tell your listeners more about who you are and why you started the show in the first place. Giving a face to the brand and podcast.

    • The trailer. Again, just like about the show, this is a great way to give your listeners a sample of what they can expect, more about the show, when it will be airing but also a taste of the content. They will get a feel for you as a host and how you will be conducting your podcast. 

    • A teaser for the first episodes. Another great way to give them a taste of the content you will be creating and more about what the episodes will look like. Are they going to be solo episodes, have guests, what are the topics, etc.

    • More about the first guests (if applicable). Utilize all the goodness that comes with having guests on your show. They came on because they align with you and like your show, plus, they have their own followings and recognition 

Content Strategy

You’re profile is up and running. You’ve got your first 9 or you are continuing off your current Instagram now you are ready to get some more podcasting posts queued up.

  1. If you haven't yet, figure out who your audience is so you can create the content that they are looking for. Then determine what kind of content they want to see and what you want to create.

  2. Next, begin creating a schedule that works for you. It doesn't have to be every day but it needs to be consistent. Figure out when you will be creating and putting out content. You'll also want to get an idea of posts as well as stories you'll want to create around your podcast's content.

  3. Make a plan of how you'll use images, videos, reels, stories, etc. to make your content engaging and help encourage people to want to listen to your show. A great way to provide quality content, think about setting up your content pillars. The Instagram algorithm is constantly changing so we can't say how much to post, of what, when, and if to use hashtags. But do incorporate snippets, teasers, and episode quotes, just how you do it may vary. Do some trial and error to figure out what works for you and your audience.

  4. Begin posting! Put your content plan and schedule together to begin sharing it on your Instagram account. 

  5. Set up your plan for 3 months and keep track monthly of how it's doing. You do need to give your strategy some time to adjust and see results. But checking in monthly to review your IG insights and track how things are doing. What posts are working, what aren't, and being able to make minor adjustments will help you stay on track with your goals. Then after 3 months, review, analyze your demographics, engagement rates, and follower growth to see how the show did over those last few months. Use this information to help gear your content and strategy in the future. 

  6. And don't forget to engage with your followers! Here are some ways that can make a big difference:

    • Respond to comments and DM as soon as you can. You don't need to be monitoring it constantly but don't leave people hanging for too long. 

    • Consider hosting IG lives to interact in real-time and directly with questions and comments that come in on the feed from your audience. 

    • Get on stories and use polls, quizzes, Q+A, and other fun features to encourage engagement that way. 

    • Also don't forget to connect and engage with other podcasts or other people with similar audiences in their comments as this can help expand your reach. 

We don't want to leave you high and dry. Here are some more ideas of what you can post:

  • Guest posts - quotes or details about them

  • Audiograms - interesting questions, points, or even hot takes are great for this. 

  • Takeaways or questions that were brought up during the show

  • Episode releases

  • Get on your stories and talk about episodes

  • Share behind-the-scenes

  • Video Snippets

MAJOR NOTE: On all of these ideas you need to take into account what the audience will get out of it. Why should someone click the link, head away from Instagram, and listen to your show? They basically drop what they are doing to listen. So, yes the show is about you but it comes down to what are people getting out of it. Do more than just "episode is out now." Let your listeners know why you think it's worth their time and what they will get out of it. 

Remember, you don’t have to promote on Instagram if you don’t want to or it doesn’t fit where your listeners hang out. But if you are needing to take the step, I hope these tips help get you started. If you need help with your podcast social media, message us, and let’s talk more about how we can help.



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