Podcasts for Parents

Parents! You are always on the go and it can be hard to continue learning when life is so hectic.

You are driving your kids to and from.

You are doing household work.

You are working.

Whatever it is, you are constantly doing. But that doesn’t have to stop you from getting the information you need. Here are some great parenting podcasts that can help make it convenient and accessible for you to gain parenting support, inspiration, and advice!

All About Pregnancy & Birth

Categories: Educational, inspiration, for early parenting

Hosted by the incredible Dr. Nicole C. Rankins, an OB/GYN physician who’s been in practice for nearly 15 years and has helped over 1000 babies into this world. Not only is this podcast an incredible resource to help you through the uncertainty of pregnancy and birth but she also offers a free online birth plan class (which I have taken and it was extremely helpful in getting me started setting up my birth wishes as well as feeling confident as I head in) to paid courses that dive even deeper to get you even more prepared as you head into birth.

The podcast itself is a great tool if you want evidence-based information and to hear expert conversations and stories from women and their firsthand experiences who have been where you are - overwhelmed and excited. Whether you are currently a parent or a mom-to-be, this show will help you during this stage feel more comfortable and less late-night googling.

Listen in here on your preferred platform.

The Messy Mom Podcast

Categories: Educational, Entertainment, Parenting lifestyle, all parenting stages

Whether you are a new mom or a seasoned one, this podcast is a show worth checking out. It’s all about ditching the idea of perfection during motherhood and embracing the messy. The topics range from pre and postnatal health, infertility, mom guilt, and the craziness that comes with raising a family.

Bailey and Cari are fun, realistic and cover topics that can be difficult to talk about. I have always walked away with helpful information after every episode I’ve listened to especially as I newly enter motherhood, this is a show I always refer back to learn tips and tricks from potty training to recovering my core after giving birth.

Listen in here on your preferred platform.

Raising Good Humans

Categories: Educational, well-rounded advice, all parenting stages

Parenting is wonderful but comes with its own set of challenges. Especially when you need a space to not feel awful not knowing all the answers. That’s where the Raising Good Humans Podcast comes in, Dr. Aliza Pressman is here to make you feel like you have realistic and trustworthy support.

She’s a developmental psychologist, parent educator, asst. clinical professor, and co-founder of both Mount Sinai Parenting Center and SeedlingsGroup. And she is a mom too, also trying to raise two good humans, so she is right there alongside you.

She talks with both experts and parents to share the most effective approaches and tools as well as the bigger picture of raising good humans.

If you are ready to make your parenting journey less overwhelming and a lot more joyful, this show is worth taking a listen to.

Listen in here on your preferred platform.

Ask Lisa: The Psychology of Parenting

Categories: Educational, supportive, all parenting stages

Raising kids is uncertain. It comes with a lot of bumps and stressful moments but that doesn’t mean you can’t take on the hardships thrown at you. And that’s where Ask Lisa comes in, Dr. Lisa Damour, the author of bestsellers Untangled, Under Pressure, and The Emotional Lives of Teenagers.

As well as her co-host, Reena Ninan, a journalist and former White House and foreign correspondent. Together they bring informed, and practical perspectives to your timely and timeless parenting questions to get the answers you need.

They blend their expert knowledge (and experience) to help you tackle real-life questions sent in by their listeners. If you are wanting to hear real struggles parents face and the answers to those questions, this is a great show to tune into.

Listen in here on your preferred platform.

The Mama’s Den

Categories: Inspirational, cultural, personal stories

If you are a mama, looking for honest conversations about everything from motherhood, race, sexuality, health, religion, and dating - this could be the show for you. There is no topic that is off-limits!

The Mama’s Den is full of unfiltered and authentic conversations and experiences from multiple perspectives including singer Melanie Fiona, entrepreneur and influencer Felicia La Tour, writer Ashley Chea, and CEO of Black Love, Inc. Codie Elaine Oliver. These hosts come together to give moms in all stages of parenthood something to relate to and look forward to.

Listen in here on your preferred platform.

7 Minutes For Yourself

Categories: Inspirational, self-care, lifestyle

Tips and advice are great to have when you are parenting but so is being able to just take some time for yourself. As a mom your mind is going a million miles a minute and that’s where 7 Minutes For Yourself comes in. It’s a daily podcast that helps give you some time for yourself every day. You have a lot on your plate and it can be hard to find even 5 minutes sometimes.

Every morning, the host, Christina Ina, shares tips, stories, and strategies for self-care, plus a whole lot more to help you feel more grounded and energized as you take on your day.

If you need some self-love in your life and a few minutes to yourself, this is a show worth listening to.

Listen in here on your preferred platform.

Learning Curve with Mr. Chazz

Categories: Educational, well-rounded advice, navigating different challenges

The final podcast on my list is Learning Curve with Mr. Chazz, America’s favorite teacher.

He is here to help parents and teachers navigate the challenges and triumphs of raising and teaching children. As we all know, it’s a big job.

He helps bring you insightful conversations and practical advice to help foster patience and empathy for both yourself and your kiddos.

This is a supportive space where you don’t have to be a perfectionist, you just have to want to improve. It’s not about doing it perfectly every time but getting better little by little every day.

For example, if you want to break generational cycles or need to handle intense behaviors, this is a show worth looking into to help you improve yourself as a parent no matter where you are at on your journey.

Listen in here on your preferred platform.

Let’s talk parenting!

Whether you add one of these podcasts or all of these podcasts to your listening list, I think you’ll find value and parenting tips in all of them.

I encourage you to explore and subscribe to the podcasts that resonate with you whether you are seeking support, inspiration, or just connection with other parents, there is something for everyone.

Let me know in the comments what is one of your favorite parenting podcasts or if you have additional recommendations for us!



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