Podcast Recording Platforms Comparison

A big part of podcasting is recording the episodes itself. But there are a lot of options to do this especially depending on your budget and what your recording needs are.

To help make this decision a little easier, here is a guide comparing different podcasting platforms, their features and what we like/don’t like about them to help you choose the right option for you.


This is a great platform to record in because not only can you record but you can edit right after inside the same program.

  • Pros

    • Free

    • Easy to use and learn

    • Just one button to start recording

  • Cons

    • The program can have glitches and software malfunctions as it is a free software so it certainly isn’t perfect.

    • You would likely need your guest to record on their end as well as doing a conversation/two tracks is difficult.

  • Pricing

    • Free


This is another popular program for many. We personally haven’t used it but most of our podcasting friends have or currently use this program for all things in their production process.

  • Pros

    • High-quality audio/video recordings

    • Has templates to make videos with aspect ratios to fit social media or YouTube

    • Can record within or upload audio to edit

    • Guests can join your recording session with a single click

  • Cons

    • Can be harder to learn

    • Can only mobile record on Android

  • Pricing

    • Offers a free plan & paid starts at $12/month


If you are a Mac user this is a great free option for you especially if you want one tool that can record and edit all in one.

  • Pros

    • Can record 2 tracks at once

    • Easy to use and user-friendly

  • Cons

    • Can sometimes have glitches/recording issues

    • Not a ton of features/a more basic program

  • Pricing

    • Free


We have some clients who use Riverside and love it. It’s easy to provide us the files once recorded and has some other neat features like their magic clip grabber for social media.

  • Pros

    • Free plan that includes unlimited single-track audio recording

    • High-quality audio/video recordings

    • Easy for guests to join

    • Has a lot of cool features you can test and play with like I mentioned the clip grabber.

  • Cons

    • We haven’t experienced it with our clients but have heard it can have reliability/stability issues

  • Pricing

    • Offers a free plan & paid starts at $10/month


The cool thing about Squadcast is they recently teamed up with Descript (above) so you are able to use their quality software and then do post-production within Descript. So, you would get a two from one type bonus when it comes to recording and post-production.

  • Pros

    • High-quality audio/video recordings

    • Has recording backups

    • Is teamed up with Descript so could record, edit, and publish in all for one.

  • Cons

    • Can sometimes have minor glitches/freezing when starting to record

  • Pricing

    • Starts at $20/month


This is another great program that some of our clients use and we have again, found it easy for them to record and for us to grab the files directly from the program so no need for them to upload into a separate folder!

  • Pros

    • High-quality audio/video recordings

    • Each episode is in a separate “room” allowing for easy organization of all the files.

    • Easy for guests to join

  • Cons

    • We haven’t experienced it with our clients but have heard it can have reliability/stability issues

  • Pricing

    • Offers a free version & paid starts at $20/month


This is always a great option if you are just getting started or already use the paid plan for meetings, etc. No need to learn a new program or pay for something additional.

  • Pros

    • Easy to use

    • Most people know how to use it including guests

    • You likely already use it regularly

  • Cons

    • Not the best audio or video quality compared to other platforms

    • Not a ton of features for podcasting as it’s not specially created for podcast use

    • Need to set up two track recording with multiple speakers

  • Pricing

    • Offers a Free plan & paid starts at $16/month

Whether you go for a program you already use or you are wanting to dabble in a free option (or even paid!) to get your toes wet, all of these programs will do the job that you need when it comes to recording your podcast.

You just need to decide what you are looking for when it comes to recording and what your budget is and then pick the program that best suits your needs - there is no wrong choice!

Let us know your favorite recording platform and why in the comments. 🙂



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