New Year, New Podcast? 5 Tips for Getting Started with Podcasting!

As we are entering the new year, there are a lot of new goals and resolutions that come about. For some, that means it’s finally starting the podcast they’ve been pushing off!

Does this sound like you?

We get it, it’s the year to finally put action to your awaited goals or this could be a new goal that you are ready to tackle in 2024. Whatever the reason, here are 5 tips to help you get started with podcasting!

Tip 1: Find your “Why”

Before you even get to launching your podcast and setting up the basics, you are going to want to figure out your “why” and the purpose of your show.

Getting clear on your “why” will help you figure out your target audience as well as the foundation/structure to set your podcast up for success in the long run. Some things to consider -

  • Why exactly are you starting this podcast?

  • Really what is the overall goal of it?

  • Who is this show for?

  • How are you planning to utilize your podcast for yourself (or your business)?

Figuring out your “why” will help you connect properly with your audience, create the right call to action, and help keep you on track toward your goals. If you are going with the flow that could lead to a disconnect for all these factors.

For more great tips on determining your “why”, check out Ana at The Podcast Space’s episode on "Determining your podcast’s ‘why’ to ensure long-term success: Podcast Basics”.

Tip 2: Make a Plan for your Podcast

Once you’ve nailed down your “why”, it’s time to start setting up your plan for your podcast. But don’t just leave your “why” behind, that information you just gathered will help guide you as you figure out your plan and who your podcast is going to serve.

Some questions in your plan that your “why” will help answer:

  • Who’s your target audience? Who is it you are trying to reach? Knowing this will help when you record your first episodes and what you’ll talk about!

  • What are your goals + objectives? You figured out your overall goal of the show but what are your goal(s) and objective(s) right now? Knowing this will help set up your episodes, call to action, and marketing plan to reach those goals. For example, your overall goal may be getting sales for your business. But if your show is new your current goal may be to build brand awareness and grow your download numbers. These go hand in hand, of course, but how you set up your episodes/call to action/marketing will be slightly different when you are looking for more listeners vs. pushing people to buy your products/services.

  • What is the format + content? If you are clear on your “why” and who your podcast is serving this will help answer how often you plan on releasing episodes, whether you are going to be doing solos or interviews, and what content you are going to be talking about.

  • Do your research! Look at other podcasts you love and take notes on what you love about them (and dislike). Also, look at podcasts that have similar audiences or topics as you, see what they are doing that could you experiment with, or what they are missing to help fill that gap for your listeners.

Tips 3: Invest in The Right Equipment

Getting yourself set up from the beginning with the right equipment will not only help with audio quality for your listeners but it will make your life easier when it comes to post-production. Now, when I say “right equipment” it doesn’t have to be the most expensive equipment out there. You don’t have to run and spend a ton of money as there is plenty of quality equipment within budget. You just need to find good quality equipment that fits within your specific needs.

Equipment you should focus on:

  • Headphones - If you already have some good headphones, you can use those! Note: we do recommend not using earbuds like Airpods as we find they can cut out. But if you are looking for some, we have a blog here with what to look for and options in all budgets.

  • Microphone - There are a lot of great options when it comes to microphones, check out The Podcast Haven’s blog post that discusses the top 10 podcast microphones for every budget here.

  • Recording platform - Zoom is okay if you already have that but if you are looking for even better audio recording we would recommend Riverside, Zencastr, or Squadcast.

  • Editing software - some great free options when getting started are Audacity or Garageband. Or if you want a step up Adobe Audition or Descript are great options too. Note: SquadCast + Descript have a package where you can get both for the price of one.

Tip 4: Set it up for Searchability

You are at the point now where you should have a lot of your podcast organized from your why to the equipment that you need. However, you may not have your show fully set up and in motion yet and that’s okay. As you are getting there another thing to start considering is searchability. As you are launching and setting up your episodes, here are some areas to get set up to help maximize your podcast’s searchability -

  • Get on as many directories as you can. The more directories you are on will help make it easier for people to access and discover your show. Even on platforms that may not be as prominent as Apple or Spotify, being listed is important for your show’s visibility - if you aren’t listed, you can’t be found! Podnews has a great list to help you get started getting on all platforms! Another quick tip: if you go to Podnews and search your show in their search bar, you’ll be able to see what directories you are missing! For example, here is a show that is missing from Luminary.

  • SEO it. As you are setting up your show think about how you can add relevant keywords in your podcast title, description, and episode titles for better discoverability.

  • Add show notes to your website. This allows for better discoverability, gives your listeners a place to locate all of the resources from an episode, and leads them to your website. But again, when you add these to your website include keywords that will help with searchability.

Tip 5: Learn + Make Changes

As you are getting started with your podcasting journey, remember that this is a new area for you and you are still learning. Embrace that it’s okay to make changes and to make mistakes — but don’t let them discourage you.

Podcasting is a long-term game and at times, it may feel challenging and disheartening. However, stay resilient by continuously refining your skills and being open to adjustments. As you start receiving feedback from listeners that’s a great opportunity for improvement and making adjustments as you want them to continue listening and feel valued.

Understand that it’s okay for things to evolve, and it's acceptable to change your show based on new information or if it no longer aligns with your vision or your listeners' preferences.

And continue to stay updated on podcasting trends and developments, this space is constantly evolving and making updates. Keeping yourself updated will help you from falling behind and empower you to navigate the ever-changing landscape effectively.

No matter where you are on your journey, we are cheering you on! If you are looking for a full breakdown on how to set up your podcast from concept to launch, read our blog post on that here.



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