Managing Podcast Assets and Files

Managing your podcast assets and files is easy to overlook! Unless you are tech-savvy, it is likely that the thought of backing up your files and securing your assets may stop at saving them to your computer. However, without properly managing podcast assets and files there may come a day when your computer breaks down and you lose everything! From past episodes to passwords, templates, future plans and more can quickly vanish without a trace.

If done so regularly, managing your podcast assets and files may very well save your future self hours if not weeks of work. This includes backing up your storage, securing safe protocols for passwords and private information, and more. When done with care, you can efficiently access past/current/future episodes, log in to accounts from anywhere, and save hours of time daily on your podcast workflow!

Organizing Podcast Assets

First, we need to know what a podcast asset is to understand how to manage them. Podcast assets include many things such as audio files, graphics, show notes, promotional materials, etc. We suggest securing those used in the past, being created, or saving for future episodes.

To best manage your podcast assets we suggest the following:

  1. Back up regularly: While it is likely that you are saving each file as you create it you may not be saving them in more than one place. Backing up your files onto a hard drive, or cloud allows you to have access in the chance that you no longer have access to your computer

  2. Format: Just as with organizing having standard naming conventions, file formats, and version controls helps maintain consistency and accessibility. Allowing you to easily search for what you need as well as save time creating files/saving them. For example:

    1. Standardize naming - Audio files title: “Audio File: Season __, Episode __“. Graphics: “Graphic File: Season…”

      1. Add any exemplifiers you may need but remember to keep the format similar so that when searching you can quickly pull what you need.

    2. Standardizing file formats and version controls empower compatibility and ease of uploading/downloading your files. Without standardizing you may find yourself having to constantly have multiple versions of the same file to create one episode.

  3. Organize: If you’re anything like me you have had a file in mind that you know you saved but you just can’t find it no matter what you search on your computer/cloud. Staying organized by creating structured folders or directories on your computer and storage format enables you to quickly access the asset you are searching for. For example:

    1. Create Parent folders for each category - audio files, graphics, show notes, etc.

      1. under each parent folder create sub-folders and organize them by date or season

Storing Audio Files

You may already organize your audio files but how do you store your audio files? Is there a chance you can lose them if your computer breaks? If they’re backed up, are you sure the files are reliable?

Properly storing your audio files, whether you plan to use them or not, is crucial. If done so without care, you may lose access or even find your audio files corrupted. Making it so that you are unable to reference them or use them in your episodes.

Explore options for storing audio files locally on your computer or external hard drive, as well as cloud-based storage solutions such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or Amazon S3. Choose what works best for you or even the best two options! Remember when storing, especially if in multiple locations to create a standard organization method. Such as by season/episode, date, or category to streamline retrieval and management

Managing Show Notes and Transcriptions

While managing podcast files and assets you may feel that backing up and keeping show notes and or transcriptions is obsolete as they can be found where you’re streaming your podcast. But what if something happens there? We’ve all had it happen when we’re working on uploading a document and all of a sudden it gets wiped out. Large streaming services are not 100% safe from that same issue.

Additionally, saving your show notes and transcriptions allows you to use them as a template for future episodes. Changing only what is relevant to your episode. Or even more easily re-purpose content for your other platforms (social media, blogs, etc.) As well as making your podcast more accessible and even increasing search engine optimization (SEO).

Some great strategies for organizing show notes include:

  • text files

  • spreadsheets

  • dedicated note-taking apps

Choose what works best for you and be sure, as always, to keep a standardized way of organizing each file. Such as season/episode, dates, etc.

Organizing Graphics + Promotional Materials

Creating graphics can be one of the most daunting tasks for each episode. But if you create a template for things such as social media posts, cover art, etc. it can drastically decrease your time creating. Saving your design files, logos, and templates is a crucial aspect of managing your podcast assets and files.

For example, creating multiple social post templates and saving them allows you to create content without having to think too hard. Once you create your video, picture, etc. you apply it to your template and you no longer have to worry about colors, fonts, and filters as they have already been chosen.

Backing up these templates, graphics, and more allows you to use them as references, in multiple formats, and even may save your whole platform from lost pages or more. As well as being able to access at any time without access to your social media, blog, or podcast.

Archiving Past Episodes and Assets

We’ve discussed saving podcast assets and files to your computer and backing them up in some way. But what do you do with episodes/assets you no longer need? You can archive past episodes and assets on different platforms for long-term storage and access. Allowing you to free up space but always pull them back if need be!

There are many reasons to archive rather than delete. For example, you may be able to repurpose social media or even may want to do a sort of compilation of past work. There are many reasons but most importantly it stops you from accidentally deleting an asset or file! LinkedIn has a great article on when to archive vs backup; they why and how! (“How to Archive and Backup Your Podcast”)

Just as with storing, it is extremely helpful to organize archived episodes by season, year, or category to facilitate retrieval and reuse.

Reviewing and Updating Asset Management Practices

Regularly reviewing and updating your podcast asset management practices is a key part of maintaining your podcast and brand! Having an organized plan and regularly auditing and updating it allows you to be ready for anything at a moment’s notice.

Throughout your every day, take note if you find it hard to navigate your files and assets or if you change the way you organize. For example, 6 seasons in you may decide to organize parent files by episode name and keep each file and asset for said episode under that parent file. Creating a new file for each episode rather than having a parent file for Audio files, graphics, etc. If this is the case, go back through your old files and update to your new method to avoid confusion down the line.

Keep up to date on cloud storage systems, archiving systems, and more. So that as your podcast grows you grow with it. Never put yourself in a position where your files and assets are no longer accessible.

When managing podcast assets and files, efficiently, remember: Format, Back up, and Organize. From Audio files to Graphics and show notes - keep and maintain it all! Utilize cloud storage, archival, and hard drives to manage your assets and files.

Keeping a well-organized podcast workflow by implementing our tips and best practices above will optimize productivity and success in podcasting

Stay consistent and audit regularly - as always work smarter, not harder!

  • Summarize the key strategies for managing podcast assets and files effectively

  • Encourage podcasters to implement the tips and best practices discussed in the blog post

  • Reiterate the importance of a well-organized podcast workflow in optimizing productivity and success in podcasting



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