Home Podcast Studio: Tips for Setting Up a Productive Recording Environment

It’s common, as a podcaster, especially in the early stages, not to have the funds or means to go to a studio and record or even set up a full-blown one at home. Naturally, when working on anything, you want to do it to the best of your ability. We all want our podcast to have as little background noise as possible and be of the highest quality! But your at-home podcast studio is likely a shared space. So, how do you get set up to have the most productive recording environment as possible? Here are a couple of tips to help improve your recording quality on a budget!

Picking a Productive Recording Space

Picking your home podcast studio space will likely have the biggest impact on creating a productive recording environment on a budget. If you are able to soundproof and change a space to fit your needs that is great! But assuming that you can’t we suggest:

  1. Use a room with cushions, curtains, and carpet or even clothes (examples are a closet or a smaller room with all the above items)

  2. Keep noises to a minimum. To do so, turn off all your electronics + sounds that are in the room including your phone. Plus, try and record at a time when you won’t be bothered.

  3. Try to pick a space where your seating is quiet. You want to avoid any squeaking if possible. Additionally, find seating that promotes good posture. This will help you enunciate and speak clearly. 

Audio Proofing

Maybe your space is already set to the best of your ability. What can you do to further create a productive recording environment with equipment? Here are some tips that can greatly improve your quality with a little more money.

  • Look to get a Microphone Isolation Shield (starting around $30) this way if you need to utilize the space you have this will help reduce those noises.

  • Get a microphone for podcasting if you aren’t using one yet. We discuss this further in our blog here

  • Add a pop filter to your microphone to help with popping sounds (p’s + t’s for example)

Remember, a lot can be fixed post-production but not everything. Make sure to set your home podcast studio up for success from the start of recording.

Set Up Recording Equipment

When purchasing your equipment try to focus on products that make up for what you might lack in your studio space. As mentioned above we have a blog on podcasting equipment that will help in creating a productive recording environment.  How you set up your equipment can make a difference. Now that you’ve found the best room how should you set up? 

  1. Clear the room as much as you can from noisy things, or as mentioned above, turn off all computers, etc that are not being used. 

  2. Soundproof where possible. For a budget-friendly noise dampener, you can hang curtains in your otherwise, uncushioned, studio space.

    • If you don’t have a space that is cushioned to avoid echoes, you can pop your microphone into a pillow fort (keep in mind this works for audio-only podcasts.)

  3. Set up your equipment in a way that works best for you. Allowing easy access to what you’ll need while recording, to avoid additional unwanted noise. 

Riverside has a great article on sound treating your room with acoustic panels, etc. if you are able. 


As we often preach, you can set up a home podcast studio on any budget. As long as you focus on what you have and do your best to create a productive recording environment you’ll do great. You can always add as you go and try new ways to create the best quality show that you can. Remember it’s your content that matters! 

Let us know if these tips and tricks help or if you have anything that’s worked great for you that we can add! ☺️


P.S. As always, if you are looking for additional podcasting tips and tricks, check out our blog or follow us on Instagram.


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