People are really listening and want to consume all of the content that is there and available. There’s a level of dedication that comes from podcast listeners that you don’t otherwise find. And now the numbers prove it. Podcasts aren’t a bubble, they’re a boom — and that boom is only getting louder.” - Miranda Katz, Author at Wired

The quote above has so much truth in it, podcasts are unique as they provide valuable knowledge anywhere you are. Whether running, taking a shower, or driving to work, there is so much potential in where you get your learning.

Plus,  according to Buzzsprout, an updated 2023 study points out, "Almost half (46%) of the U.S. population listens to spoken word audio daily”, that is a BOOM like Miranda says above.  And when there is a supply, there is a demand - that's where we come in!

As podcasts continue to thrive, so will podcast management. But, what is the history of podcast management and podcasting? 

What is Podcast Management

In simple terms, a podcast manager helps to keep your podcast organized and on track with your goals. But to go even further there is a multitude of tasks that podcasters can take care of for your podcast such as: 

  • Launching your podcast (from start to finish of airing the first few episodes!) 

  • Get your RSS feed/Podcast host set up (BuzzsproutCaptivate, Spotify for Podcasters, etc. This is where your episodes can be uploaded to directories - Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, etc.)

  • Graphic Design - cover artwork + social posts

  • Guest Management (email, scheduling, planning, pitching, etc.) 

  • Research 

  • Audio editing for episodes

  • Intro, Outro + Music support

  • Show notes + Transcription

  • Promotion (like social media)  

There is a lot that goes into each podcast episode behind the scenes, especially if you are consistently putting out episodes so podcast managers can help take all of these tasks that are weighing you down off of your hands.

Having the extra help can be a huge benefit to allow the podcasters to focus on what they do best, hitting record, and sharing their knowledge! 

History of Podcasting

Podcasting itself came about around in 2004, an article in the Guardian by Ben Hammersly discusses where he was pondering what to call "Podcasting" as iPods (all the new fad!) and the growth of audio production was happening so he felt that it was bound to lead to a boom into "amateur radio" (and he was the right)!

In the same year, Adam Curry and Dave Winer actually got the ball rolling with iPodder, where you could play the radio, and Libsyn followed suit as the first podcast provider.

The history behind actual podcast management is a little up in the air, it is a newer field and I couldn't find much data on its history. But my guess is it started coming about as soon as podcasting came, as we mentioned, once a supply there also comes demand and a need for support! 

Present + Future of Podcast Management

Where does that leave us for the present + future of Podcast Management?

Well, podcasting has already grown by 78% since 2006, which is a massive amount of growth in over 16 years! Plus it's only going to keep growing.

Don't worry there is a lot of data to back this up. Which is good news for the future of podcast management. Statistica expects that the number of listeners will be over 160 million in 2023. Both this statistic and the one above, show that there is a huge audience to reach for your podcast and knowledge (and the audience is only getting bigger). As well as a big room for growth in the podcast management industry today and for years to come!


Podcasting has a lot of history behind it and is where podcast management got its start. But the future is bright knowing it's only going to continue to grow.  We hope you are able to enjoy the advantages that podcasting has to bring for you and your business.

If you're interested in hiring a podcast manager yourself, we are here to help! Reach out to us here to get connected.

Happy Podcasting!


This blog post was updated on November 28th, 2023


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