Celebrate Your Podcast Launch

You’ve been dreaming about this day for a while now and it’s coming to fruition.

WOOHOO! It’s FINALLY time to launch your show and go live. You are ready to celebrate your podcast launch but how? Especially being virtual, for most, you aren’t going to be able to set up a whole launch party in person.

If you can, please do (and let us know how it goes!) Otherwise, for the rest of us, we have to find ways online and for ourselves to celebrate this exciting milestone!

Fun Ways to Celebrate the Launch with all (including your listeners!)

I just mentioned an in-person launch party but you can still do the opposite. Host a virtual one! You could do this via Zoom or even live on social media (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram) for example.

Some other fun ways you can celebrate with your audience are:

  • A giveaway. Some examples are ones that have them sharing with their networking or rating/reviewing the show

  • Share behind the scenes from the launch to show all that went on. 

  • Go live and answer questions or just get to know who is in your audience (and they can get to know you!)

  • Create a challenge that listeners can partake in on social media and the winner announced on the show

  •  Have your listeners pitch in and celebrate!  For example, you can ask them to share artwork, stories, or their favorite moments so far from the episodes, and feature them on your podcast or social media such as posts or in stories.

  • Collaborate with others. When your show is launching, this is a great time to guest on other shows and do some collaboration posts with other people similar in your industry to help celebrate and promote your newly launched show.  

Ways to Celebrate for Yourself!

It’s not just about your listeners! You probably jumped leaps, hurdles and maybe even shed a few tears through the process of launching your podcast.

You may have fears you overcame (such as imposter syndrome) or accomplished a goal you’ve set for yourself to do this and you finally did. Whatever the reason, it’s worth celebrating this accomplishment! We are always so quick to just move on to “what’s next” but don’t forget to take time to see how far you’ve already come. 

Here are some fun and practical ways to enjoy this moment:

  • Get yourself a mug (or some other type of merch) with your podcast name!

  • Share with friends and family! It can be scary but you shouldn’t have to celebrate alone or be afraid to shout about your hard work from the rooftops, let those who care about you celebrate you too. 

  • Actually, acknowledge all your hard work – have a dance party or take yourself to dinner, just treat yourself!

  • Take a relaxing night in. This could be a spa night or just pampering yourself. As I said, there has been a lot of hard work to launch your show (and maybe some tears) you deserve to rest and enjoy yourself. 

  • Make a cake and blow out the candles! This is the day your podcast was born, celebrate its birthday! 

  • Highlight this moment! Take a snapshot of the launch and keep it as a memory. Turn it into a framed photo to inspire you (and see how far you’ve come) when you reflect for years to come. 

Whether you celebrate big or small, take time to celebrate your podcast launch and how far you’ve made it. It most likely took a lot of personal time, money, and learning to get here. And don’t forget to enjoy your new podcasting journey, we wish you all the podcast success!

If you are needing help with staying consistent as you continue, reach out to us to chat about how we can help you. 



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